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Public art

cor-ten steel and glass



Wheel – Saltbrook Heritage Trail, Hatton – 2018/19

In 2018 I was commissioned to create a sculptural piece for Saltbrook Heritage Trail in Hatton. They wanted a piece for their sculpture garden inspired by the local heritage and industries of the area. Hatton had a long history in the glasswork, locomotive and farming industry as well as an ongoing connection with Nestle due to the factories presence in the village. I wanted to incorporate all these industries in my piece through fused glass, poetry and photography. The sculpture was designed using a combination of cor-ten steel, fused and kiln formed glass. As part of the design process I visited local residents at their homes and conducted interviews. I also worked on a two-day project with the local primary school creating images and poems inspired by the locomotive industry and getting the children to assemble a temporary cardboard locomotive within the school playground. In the later stages I worked will local young people with creative skills enabling them to have a direct input into the final piece by assisting with the creation of the kiln carved glass panels. The final sculpture was installed in Hatton and unveiled as part of the new Hatton Heritage Trail.

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